Voice, or speaker recognition is a biometric modality that uses an individual’s voice for recognition purposes. The voice recognition process relies on features influenced by both the physical structure of an individual’s vocal tract and the behavioral characteristics of the individual.

A popular choice for remote authentication due to the availability of devices for collecting speech samples (e.g., telephone network and computer microphones) and its ease of integration, voice recognition is different from some other biometric methods in that speech samples are captured dynamically or over a period of time, such as a few seconds. Analysis occurs on a model in which changes over time are monitored, which is similar to other behavioral biometrics such as dynamic signature, gait, and keystroke recognition.

  • Public acceptance
  • No contact required
  • Commonly available sensors (telephones, microphones)

  • Difficult to control sensor and channel variances that significantly impact capabilities
  • Not sufficiently distinctive for identification over large databases

More at:
Speaker Recognition
Voice biometrics